60’s crooner Ketty Lester actually retired from the music industry in the early 70’s after a pretty successful career including 5 charting singles with “Love Letters” making it to #2 on the R & B charts. She actually quit music to concentrate on her acting career where many remember her as Hester-Sue Terhune on Little House on the Prairie. She did however return to the studio to produce this gospel album in 1984. While this is a pretty run of the mill 80’s soul gospel album with excellent vocals it is actually a very important album in the CCM industry. Hidden in the soul tracks is the track “Let’s Talk About Jesus” which is the first female gospel rap song. Now admittedly she is not a rap artist and this is not a rap album but this one track is unlike anything on this album and unlike anything she had ever done before. It is my firm belief that of this album had been released on a CCM label and not a soul label we would all know this track as it is an excellent example of early rap that was not being done in the CCM industry. So if your listening to this album as a whole you’re going to be a bit surprised when you get to track 10.
1 – One Day At A Time – 3:49
2 – Jesus Laid His Hands On Me – 2:33
3 – The Children – 3:09
4 – Jesus, You Touched Me – 3:20
5 – She’d Never Heard Of Anyone Called Jesus – 3:17
6 – I Saw Love – 3:19
7 – Have You Heard – 2:10
8 – When I Saw Jesus – 3:32
9 – Jesus Here I Am Again – 2:42
10 – Let’s Talk About Jesus – 3:40