Mike Warnke – A Christian Perspective On Halloween – 1979

This recording was originally produced as a one hour radio show, and was released on vinyl as part of Mike’s catalogue.

There is a bunch of professionally produced intro and interlude stuff here, as well as a series of interview questions. Of course, there is also some good comedy material, taken from his Alive! album as well as Hey Doc!

The Halloween debate among Christians has been around for a long time, and this is one part of it. Maybe this interview was an influence when churches came up with alternative ideas like “Jesusween.” Not sure.

Mike weighs in as an expert occultist here. He certainly has researched occultism enough to talk about the subject, however this was recorded before he recanted his testimony about having been a Satanist.

Regardless, I find this a fascinating artifact of the time and it helps tell the story about how we arrived where we are now.