Ken Gaub – A Different Kind Of Comedy I Wonder

Most of us know of Ken from Eternity Express but there’s much more to the story. In 1957 Ken and his family hit the road as a travelling tent ministry. When Ken would appear in a town his revival meetings would feature the Ken Gaub Family Singers but in the afternoons Eternity Express would hit the high schools at lunch and play their brand of Christian rock. This album however is a few moments of his ministry preaching. It is very strong on the humour and shows us that Ken had a great ministry voice. Unfortunately Ken passed away in 2023 so thankfully were left with this album so we can listen to his speaking talent. This album was released on a Canadian label so many of you may not have heard it before.

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Author: Ray Mansfield

One of the founding cowboys of Real 80s CCM. Been listening to this stuff since 1978.

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