Randy Weiss & The Pilgrim Band – Munch Manna Spirit Flakes – 1983

Randy Weiss & The Pilgrim Band only had one release that we know of, entitled “Munch Manna Spirit Flakes.”

This unique and wonderful record is the only example I know of a CCM recording by a Messianic Jew. I have to admit that until discovering this album in 1983 I had no idea that Messianic Jews existed.

As a CCM album, this was an independent release that did not seem to gather a lot of attention. Independent releases didn’t garner a lot of attention in general in the 1980s.

The musicianship is good and creative, but hard to put a finger on. It has a certain 60s rockabilly or country-gospel style with a wandering vocal that seems to take it outside that genre.

Subject-wise it seems to fit the traditional praise style of Jesus music.

Buckle in, buckle down, and set your expectations on “whatever happens next.” Get ready for these lyrics:

Pharoah’s dead / God’s people, we are free / And the LORD ain’t out of groceries

Track Listing:
1 – I Don’t Need No Designer Jeans
2 – The Nickel Song
3 – 3 Times Down
4 – Involvement
5 – NonDemumbo-Jumbinational
6 – Munchy Manna
7 – Wander Over Yonder
8 – 5 For A Dollar
9 – Covered By Gods Love
10 – Voices
11 – City Song
12 – My Boys
13 – God & A Mothers Love
14 – Psalm 69